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Why Are We Praying the Rosary?

October & May are the two months the Church dedicates to Mary by praying the Rosary, and here are some reasons:

1) It's biblical (based on the Bible)
-  The Rosary contemplates the great mysteries of the Christian Faith; each mystery has its source in the Holy Scriptures and associates to Jesus' life.

2) It helps us to be holier
-  This prayer has been a great help to many in their path to holiness when pray with devotion (means with heart and mind)

3) Mary has asked us to
- In several Marian apparitions (as Fatima), our Mother has asked us to pray the Rosary for the world's salvation.

4) It weakens the devil
-  The Rosary is a powerful weapon in fighting temptation, (by the help of Mary and the calling on Jesus and Mary's names), has the effect of weakening the action of the devil in the world and in our lives.

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