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Who Are the Saints?

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November starts with the Feast of All Saints.   The feast of the Saints reminds us that God is holy and He constantly calls us to holiness.   But, who are the Saint?

-  They are special friends of God.
-  They are very close to God.
-  They were human like us.
-  They may not be perfect like God, but they trusted in the mercy of God, loved Him dearly  and constantly repent.

 Some of the saints may received special gifts from God while still alive, such as:

 ·     Raising people from the dead
·     Delivering letters to others in special ways
·     Miraculous cures
·     Total fast from food for  years - living off the Eucharist alone
·     Incorrupt bodily remains after death for years
·     Speaking in Tongues -The gift of being heard and understood by those of other languages.
·     Receiving the Crown of Thorns of the Crucified Christ
·     Miracles with dogs, birds & other animals. They listen & do what the saint commanded them.
·     Levitation – flying/floating while praying
·     Gift of understanding ancient biblical and foreign languages
·     Prophecies of the future
·     Mystical knowledge -The gift of reading into hearts
·     A Voice from heaven -The miraculous voice of St. Cecilia still heard today
·     Bilocation – being able to be in different places at the same time.

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